Special days

Matheson started our week of special days off with great enthusiasm. He brought a poster board displaying various new years traditions throughout the world. He shared that in Denmark people jump off chairs, while in Spain they eat 12 grapes. He also shared that in China they give out red envelopes with money inside and in Romania they toss coins into the river. Then he demonstrated how to toss coins into his river on his poster board. He also created some Lego flags to match to the countries he was focusing on. Thanks for sharing such interesting facts Matheson!

Luke brought his special polar bear Hudson to share with his friends. Hudson is a stuffed replica of the polar bear living in the Winnipeg zoo. He also surprised us with some empanadas which are traditional South American dish. The children were eager to try both the spinach and meat empanadas. Thanks for the special treat Luke!

Aanya was very excited to share about frogs in South America. Her poster board displayed very colorful pictures of poison dart frogs. She explained they live in the rainforest, hide in trees and catch insects with their sticky tongues. We also learned that natives put the poison from these frogs on the tip of their arrows. Thank you Aanya for teaching us about frogs.

Zianna amazed the children with her presentation on the largest snake in the world, the Anaconda. She proudly shared that the Anaconda lives in the dark, quiet swamp waters of the Amazon. The Anaconda can weigh up to 500 pounds and be as long as a school bus. This snake eats fish, birds and pigs. She also brought in her stuffed toy anaconda snake which she got from the PNE.

Hailey brought in her Chirp magazine and shared the story, Where’s my nut? Written by Irene Luxbacher. She shared some additional information about the story with her friends. Thanks for sharing your love of reading Hayley!

Our new student Aria brought in a personalized find your photo book and we did a group coloring circle to focus on the coloring motion. Thanks for sharing, we loved learning a bit about you Aria!

Gloria shared her snowman that was decorated with buttons. She also brought three mandarin workbooks and explained everything enthusiastically in mandarin. Thank you for your delightful presentation Gloria, well done!

Piper special day focused on the boa constrictor, she brought in pictures of their eggs and snakeskin. She also shared about her trip to Mexico where her mom held what she described as a “very slimy snake.” Excellent sharing Piper!

This week we worked on the flag of Venezuela and learned about animals living in the rain forest. Together we made an art creation of a model of the Amazon floor with bugs and animals. We also learned about the different layers that make up the rain forest.

Fire drill:

We have been practising our emergency fire drill procedure at school this week.

Upcoming special days:

Monday January 24th: Yasmin (suggested topic: Rainforest)

Tuesday January 25th: Olivia (suggested topic: Rivers)

Wednesday January 26th: Arianna (suggested topic: Plants)

Important dates to Remember:

January 28th: Carnival Party

February 12th: Friendship Party (children may wear red and pink)

February 8th: Family day and Chinese New Year (School Closed)

February 9th: Professional Development day (School Closed)

March 14-28th: School closed for Spring Break

March 29th: School reopens

Thank you to Martina’s mom Angela for printing off maps of all the continents, which display the flag of each country within that countries borders. What an amazing learning tool! Thank you so much Martina and Angela.

Thank you Maia and Alessandra for bringing in some wonderful South American Cds for us to listen and dance to.

Reading list:
Rainforest by Smart kids

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